Dance With Me

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Fear: Dancing
Love: Sex

Compromise: BLUES DANCING!

So if you’re like me, you might say: “Blues is a dance?!” Here is my favorite descriptive definition:

“Blues dance is strongly tied to Blues music, and many aspects of Blues dancing (for example, call and response, emotional intensity, and tension and release) are directly related to the music to which it is danced.”

In a nut shell: dirty dancing!

I was definitely nervous walking in. Loud music, new faces, a style of dance I knew nothing about (not that it would have mattered, since dancing is one of the only things that makes me anxious). However, there was a certain allure in the idea of being held close, tight, sweating; listening deeply to my partner’s body and moving with that internal rhythm.

Sounds sexy right?! It is! I was surprised that I was asked to dance more than once – don’t get me wrong, it was a blast, but I am clumsy and untrained. I’m sure my jeans sitting low on my hips, shirt riding up and falling down up top to reveal my breasts may have had something to do with it.

One dance in particular left me moments short of an orgasm. He had dark eyes that looked black under the brim of his hat. I was drawn to him immediately, like a moth to light. I watched Brooke and he dance earlier in the evening – they moved flawlessly, fluid and sexy; it was hard to divert my eyes.

When the music ended, I felt like I had just gotten off the best carnival ride in the park.
When he took me to dance, I immediately melted. Not knowing the steps didn’t matter. In fact I’m pretty sure nothing mattered in those few minutes. When the music ended, I felt like I had just gotten off the best carnival ride in the park. Dizzy, euphoric, and oh so aroused.

I imagined sex with him, which was easy to imagine by the way he moved his hips and how he pressed into me. There would be no talking involved. I would let him have his way with me. I imagine it would be in public but not easily exposed; hidden, perhaps in a dimly lit hallway. I would be able to feel the beat of music vibrating off the walls and surging through my blood. There would be intensity and roughness, but with a flow and rhythm all it’s own.

Who’s in for next week?
Début de l'événement 10.01.2022
Fin de l'événement 10.01.2022