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If okaycupid is going to to engage in the statistical Big Brothering that this study involved, it has an ethical responsibility. And that responsibility is to clearly articulate that user information is NOT private. Furthermore, it would state flatly that user information WILL be used for research. And it would require prospective members to add an electronic initial as a form of acknowledgment and consent.

Without the above, this number crunching is both invasive and teetering on libelous. A better option that will involve willing consent without turning off new users is to make participation in such research optional. The service is otherwise “free” so this strategy would invite willing participation AND engage in full disclosure from the start.

We love you, okaycupid. You offer a good service and we all want to see this business model thrive. But don’t play fast and loose on this.


October 9, 2009 at 4:34 pm
neve says:
This is not surprising, but without more data (tone and content of messages etc) it is difficult to say what it really reflects.

I know that many white males that I work with and live around would not really consider dating a black woman, not because they had sat around going “Black women are inferior so I won’t date them” but because it has not ever come up as something they would even consider.

We are so far from America’s cultural norm of what is considered beautiful, blond, thin, white and if not white, at least Asian, or ‘exotic’, that I think that most white and other race men just don’t consider black women attractive.