What Midterm Elections Taught Us About Attraction

Do I Belong With You or Do You Own Me?
Is Jealousy a Human Survival Mechanism?
What is Fidelity?
Aren’t Open Relationships All About Sex?
So, You Found Out He’s Lying…
What To Do With a Badly Behaving Lover?
Girls Runs The World?!
The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On
How To Date A Virgin

No she didn’t. She got over it. Both are still alive. And over it.

evelynisnotreal PERMALINK
October 19, 2009 2:51 pm
“I have heard (briefly) of “The Rules” and they seem, to me, like Game (sorry, guys, true story), in which, if you follow them letter by letter you are a looohooohooohooooooser. But if you get the idea…well, you get the idea.”

Exactly. As much as followers of Game want to knock it, it’s a way for girls to get what they want the same way they use game to get what they want. Is it 100% foolproof? Of course not. But the same way men use game to filter out women who won’t put out by X date, women will use the rules to filter out men who aren’t serious about them. Following them won’t create attraction where there is none but it will keep you from killing it.

October 19, 2009 2:58 pm
Oh, another note.

There are exceptions. I know I said that before, but THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. There WILL ALWAYS BE people for whom you should throw out the ol’ rule book. And I don’t mean “The Rules” book, I mean the figurative book of rules.

Just like PUAs will tell you, say, to end the call first. So you, a dashing PUA, calls a girl up and OH MY GOD she gets in a car crash while she’s talking to you on the phone and ends the call first (because her cell phone flies out of her hand and smashes into a million pieces at the bottom of a gorge). You failure.

Just kidding.

But, as any person with an IQ over that of an insects will realize, following a set of rules to the letter is pure idiocy. So yeah, there are girls that you boys will break the rules for — and you’ll not feel like a betaized loser in the process.

And there are boys that we girls will break the rules for, and we’ll not feel like super-easy sluts in the process.
Début de l'événement 10.12.2024
Fin de l'événement 10.12.2024